Belle Estelle Blue boutique

Knit Wear for CED dolls


Teddy sweater made for the 19" CED dolls with leather look cord having gold coloured
metal beads on the ends. The cord works like a drawstring to achieve different looks.

- Mannequin is an original CED mannequin.

- Dollstand from mannequin by Reba Davis - colour is Maple.

- Dollstand from Constance also by Reba Davis - colour is Cherry.

- Doll is CED Constance Antiquing (LE 300) with a Monique wig called Marie in black.

- Blouse, boots and bag are part of the original clothes from Constance Antiquing.

- Sunglasses on Constance are borrowed from Emme (from the Escapade outfit by Robert Tonner).

- Silver coloured earrings are originally made for people to wear.

- Skirt is made of real silk by Pam from Pamdora's Box.

- Shoes on mannequin are original CED shoes for 2004.


Sweater design and pictures by Stella Dominicus van den Bussche (NL)